The _final_final_final Farewell Party for Selma and Kasturika

A week and a half ago it was time to say goodbye to our last generation-one, “pre-pandemic” lab members (not counting Lars): Kasturika Shankar and Selma Dahmane. The group went out for dinner at a nice pub close to campus, where we stayed for almost six ours exchanging stories of the pioneering early days of the group and what has followed since. I (Lars) am so proud of the hard-fought-for success of Kasturika and Selma, and the interesting new adventures they are embarking on:

Selma will be a tenure-track group leader at the Friedrich Miescher Institute in Basel, Switzerland, where she will continue to study virus-host interactions using cryo-electron tomography.

Kasturika will do a postdoc in the Walker lab at the University at Buffalo.

As we left the pub close to midnight, there was still enough daylight for a final group picture. Thanks Kasturika and Selma for the wonderful years, and feel free to visit us anytime!