Congratulations Dr. Tim!

On 8 June, our PhD student Timothée Laurent passed his PhD defense with flying colours. Congratulations, Tim, you’ve worked hard for your success and deserved your title!

As is customary in Sweden, an external main reviewer (referred to as Fakultetsopponent) was appointed to scrutinise Tim’s work in the public defence. Professor Alex Evilevitch from Lund University (to the right in the photo below) did an excellent job as Fakultetsopponent:

When the committee announce that Tim had passed his exam, the lab and department showered him with gifts, including a German-style, homemade doctoral hat. The front of it says “Dr. CHIKV”!

Probably the most unique gift came from Tim’s fellow PhD student Kasturika: a painting with alphavirus replication organelle theme:

Tim, we wish you the best of luck on your future endeavours. You will be missed by your supervisor, your group, and your department!